Looking to the Future (Forward)
Opportunities blocked
In 2023, Storybuilt had re-positioned the company to move around the market headwinds and take advantage of the various downcycles that have been rolling out of the pandemic: LEARN MORE

As Receiver, Stapleton has provided reports without thorough accounting, forensics, or other comprehensive data and details. LEARN MORE about Storybuilt consolidated accounting, information related to Storybuilt Ravenna and Dayton projects, as well as the basics regarding distributions the company made.
Opportunities abound

Opportunity for growth: Current market conditions are ideal for companies like Prompt to capitalize on available opportunities.
Focused Investment: Targeting midstream businesses with track records and growth potential, in need of funding.
Real Estate Tech Gap: High demand for tech, but fragmented competition and inconsistent solutions in the market.
Tech Infrastructure Development: investment needed in building hardware to fully utilize SaaS and AI platforms.